Suma Qamaña = Living Well Together. How to Measure it?


  • Xavier Albó CIPCA



development, Living Well, Mother Earth, Political Constitution of the State, Suma Qamaña


In the Political Constitution of the State, in force in Bolivia since 2009, the concept of “living well” is reiterated already in its Preamble and in its Title I by pointing out the great “ethical-moral principles of plural society” (art. 8). We also find it again in other subjects such as education (art. 80) and economics (art. 306, 313). What is behind such a concept? I will explore it in a gradual and increasingly expansive manner, first in purely linguistic terms and then in a broader scope, as the logic common to many indigenous and native peoples, as opposed to that of dominant societies and powers. In the end I will outline some strategies to translate this concept into more measurable indicators.

