Warisata in Art, Literature and Bolivian Politics. Observations about the Impact of the Escuela-Ayllu on Bolivian Artistic Production and the New Educational Legislation of the Government of Evo Morales


  • Marco Thomas Bosshard Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg i.Br.




Andean Mesianism, Art in Warisata, Education Reform, El pez de oro, Indigenous Education, New Bolivian Education Law, Parlamento Amauta de Warisata, The Escuela-Ayllu, Ulaka


This paper applies literary criticism to a cultural phenomenon of the 1930s and re-projects such criticism to the extra-literary present in order to provide alternative routes for the understanding of a possible “nuova Bolivian culture.” Against the sociological, historical, ethnological, and/or pedagogical analysis that until now have framed the study of Warisata’s Escuela- Ayllu, this work is, first of all, an invitation to discuss Bolivian politics from the specific angle of a discipline different from that of the social sciences. This is nothing more than a first outline of possible discursive bonds between some artistic works of Warisata and Evo Morales’ education reform program. 



