Bolivian Studies Journal: Announcements <p>The <em>Bolivian Studies Journal </em>is a peer-reviewed publication that responds to the growing interest in understanding the past and present of historical and cultural processes in Bolivia. Toward this end, it promotes research that is innovative, interdisciplinary, and interested in critically discussing the challenges that Bolivia is facing (and posing) in the new millennium. The journal is also an effort to contribute to the vibrant and committed international community of Bolivianists and welcomes initiatives to re-conceptualize the theoretical and epistemological frameworks that have traditionally oriented interpretations of Bolivian history and culture. We publish once a year and accept research papers, articles, documents, reviews, interviews, and discussion materials written in Spanish, English, Português and Indigenous Languages. </p> en-US Conference / Conferencia: BOLIVIAN STUDIES ASOCIATION - XII International Conference Sucre, July 21-25, 2025 Bolivian Studies Journal 2024-11-14 Symposium / Simposio: Gamaliel Churata: Envisioning the Circulation of Andean Epistemologies in the Age of Globalization <p>Dates: November 3-4, 2016</p> <p>Place: 602 Cathedral of Learning, University of Pittsburgh </p> <p><strong>Invited Speakers: </strong></p> <p>Maya Aguiluz Ibargüen, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; José Luis Ayala, Aymara writer and Yatiri; Riccardo Badini, Università degli Studi di Cagliari; Marco Thomas Bosshard, Europa-Universität Flensburg; Jorge Coronado, Northwestern University; Meritxell Hernando Marsal, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; Helena Usandizaga, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; José Luis Velásquez Garambel, Universidad Nacional del Altiplano, Puno; Juan Zevallos Aguilar, The Ohio State University; Amaratt Peralta, Gamaliel Churata's son and custodian of his unpublished manuscripts </p> Bolivian Studies Journal 2016-09-22 Symposium / Simposio: De-decolonization, Indigeneity and De-patriarchalization: A Bolivian Debate / Des-descolonizacion, Indianidad y Despatriarcalizacion: Un debate actual en Bolivia <p>The LASA-Bolivia Section invites its members and the scholarly community to submit papers that address the vibrant debate of "decolonization" in Bolivia from a variety of perspectives and disciplines. The proposals must include a name, paper title and a brief description of the content, and they should be sent to the section’s electronic address (<a href="mailto:secció"></a>). The submission deadline is December 15, 2014. The hotel and travel information will be sent shortly.</p> <p>With the Participation of: Xavier Albó, Universidad – PIEB; Waskar Ari, University of Nebraska, Lincoln; Pamela Calla, New York University; Pablo Mamani, Universidad Pública de El Alto (UPEA); Julieta Paredes, Comunidad Mujeres Creando Comunidad; Sinclair Thomson, New York University; Esteban Ticona, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés (UMSA)</p> Bolivian Studies Journal 2014-11-03 LVIII SALALM CONFERENCE - Indigenism, Pan-indigenism and Cosmovisionism: the Confluence of Indigenous Peoples Thought in the Americas <p class="ListwithIndents">The Conference will be held in Miami on May 17-22, 2013. Co-hosted by the University of Miami libraries and Florida International University, the overarching theme of the conference is the critical intersection of indigenism, pan-indigenism and cosmovisionism within the context of the indigenous peoples’ modes of thought and action in the Americas. Some of the topics to be addressed are the dialogue between the indigenous and non-indigenous peoples of the world; the logistics of collecting, preserving and processing primary as well as secondary data produced and distributed by the indigenous peoples; indigenous peoples conceptions of time and space; the nature, function and agency of the indigenous epistemic communities in the production, distribution and application of knowledge.</p> <p class="ListwithIndents">Date: May 17-22, 2013 - Location: The Westin Colonnade Hotel, Coral Gables, FL</p> <p class="ListwithIndents">Information about the theme can be found at: <a href=""> <br /></a></p> <p>Conference Registration: <a href=""></a></p> <p class="ListwithIndents"><em><strong>INDIGENISMO, PAN-INDIGENISMO Y COSMOVISIONISMO: </strong><strong>LA CONFLUENCIA DEL PENSAMIENTO INDÍGENA </strong><strong>EN LAS AMÉRICAS</strong></em></p> <p class="ListwithIndents"><em>Co-organizada por la Universidad de Miami y la Universidad Internacional de la Florida, la LVIII Conferencia anual Seminario de Adquisiciones de Materiales Latinoamericanos para Bibliotecas, conocido como SALALM, se llevará a cabo en Miami del 17 al 22 de mayo, 2013. El tema general de la conferencia es la crítica intersección del indigenismo, pan-indigenismo y cosmovisionismo en el contexto de los modos de pensar y actuar de los pueblos indígenas en las Américas. Algunos de los temas a tratar son el diálogo entre los pueblos indígenas y no indígenas del mundo, la logística de recolección, conservación y transformación de información primaria, así como materiales secundarios producidos y distribuidos por los pueblos indígenas; sus concepciones del tiempo y el espacio; la naturaleza, la función y la agencia de las comunidades epistémicas indígenas en cuanto a la producción, distribución y aplicación del conocimiento.</em></p> <p class="ListwithIndents">Fecha: mayo 17-22, 2013 - Lugar: The Westin Colonnade Hotel, Coral Gables, FL</p> <p class="ListwithIndents">La Conferencia está abierta a investigadores, profesores, estudiantes y activistas interesados en contribuir a una reflexión crítica sobre el tema de la conferencia</p> <p class="ListwithIndents">Para información sobre el tema: <a href=""></a></p> <p>Para registrarse: <a href=""></a></p> <p class="ListwithIndents"> </p> <p> </p> Bolivian Studies Journal 2013-05-03 Latin American Political Theory Workshop: The First Theory of Decolonization Bolivian Studies Journal 2012-02-09 Inaugural Conference of the Bolivian Studies Journal / Conferencia Inaugural de la Revista de Estudios Bolivianos Bolivian Studies Journal 2011-02-03